Mixed fruit raita
Recipe type: Side
Cuisine: Indian
Serves: 2 people
Preparation time: 35 mins Cooking time: NA Healthy & tasty mixed fruits raita recipe
  • 1 cup yogurt/curd/dahi
  • 1 cup mixed fruits
  • ½ cup full cream milk
  • 1 teaspoon honey
  • 1.5 teaspoon chaat masala
  • ½ teaspoon roasted cumin powder, optional
  • Pinches of black salt/rock salt
  1. Whisk yogurt, full cream milk, honey, chaat masala, roasted cumin powder, black salt
  2. Add small pieces of mixed fruits, combine all
  3. Rest it in a refrigerator for half an hour
  4. Serve
Recipe by FavCounter at https://favcounter.com/mixed-fruit-raita-fruits-raita/